Ender 3 Pen Mount

Ender 3 Pen Mount


A remix.. of my remix.. of a pen holder. I sold my Anet A8, and bought an Ender 3. *update* New pen holder design. See below. In the photo, It's holding a cheap eBay drag-knife to cut out some vinyl stickers. See it in Action https://youtu.be/QBpBNoQYJno See the source remix for a bit more info on how this holder is supposed to work. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2956622 The "base" is designed to be mounted to a HeroMe cooling setup. You'll need one of the "base-lock-no-ABL" hero me mounting plates, since this is designed to be mounted right on top of it, with longer screws. The HeroMe https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3182917 I'm still tweeking and fine-tuning the settings on FlatCAM... once I'm done, I'll try and post here how I get nice clean PCBs with this pen holder. FlatCam notes/tricks. I've started using the beta version of FlatCAM v8.93. A few pretty nice improvements. One of the things I've found is it somehow forces me to generate separate gcode files for the traces, and drill paths. Which seemed annoying at first. Until I realized that doing them separate meant that I can run a gcode on the PCB, and if it didn't quite dig in enough through the mask, I can re-run it as many times as I need. I found this to be necessary for the drill holes. Files: - HolderBase -> Mounts to the Frame - Carriage-V2 -> The new more sturdy pen holder (square) - Carriage -> The old pen holder Parts: - 2 x Traxxas T/E Max A-Arm screws. 3mmx70mm (Part #5161). - 2 x springs from retractable pen - 2 x 20mmx3mm screw -> Pen Holder - 2 x 20mmx3mm -> Base to Printer Carriage & blower Fan Update - (Sep 19,2019) Instead of a somewhat blunt metal spike, I now use a much more precise "scribe" with a very sharp and fine tip. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SBGQ7WW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00 For an etch mask, I no longer use standard paint, but now use spray on machinests layout fluid. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IKIBAA8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00 I can now get some pretty fine trace lines. Update - (Feb 27, 2020) I updated the carrage with a better pen holder design. The original was ok, but it was not good for lots of different size tools. Fat pens, skinny scribes, my new Drag Knife. The new box design with 3mm screws holds more size pens, and holds them more firm.



