2015 Racing MIKU ReMix

2015 Racing MIKU ReMix


All of parts are jointed into one body for 1/2 scale Hatsune Miku Project. This is remixed based on Animu's "3D PRINT READY!! 2015 Racing Miku" model, Thingiverse ID: 2889125. Eyes are not included. You need to provide it. 24mm diameter doll eye will fit. You also need to modify her face in accordance with your preference. The 7th trial face was uploaded after trying some different faces. I think I still need to make it better.... Original height of out put will be 800 mm! To print in this size, you need to use pretty big printer, printable height is required at least 350 mm. For smaller printers, please re scale according to your printable height. As for repricator 5, you will get close to 400 mm tall Miku. It is enough fantastic, don't you agree? I strongly recommend to print parts in different color as you like. I hope you welcome your own Miku. and....very very much thanks to Animu! Dec. 01 2019 Umbrella 4 & 7 that I missed to upload is added.






