OpenLock Tudor S Walls with Cut Stone Pillars

OpenLock Tudor S Walls with Cut Stone Pillars


This is a remix of a remix ! It's based on a suggestion from one of my followers, to edit the Tudor S Walls I published a while ago so they had Cut Stone pillars. The design I've used effectively has half a pillar at the end of each tile, so that two tiles next to each other creates a complete pillar. As always, credit goes to Devon Jones for coming up with the original OpenForge Towne series of tiles, and to Printable Scenery for inventing OpenLock in the first place. There are quite a few files here, but hopefully you'll find the naming convention logical(ish!) and straightforward. - I tiles are 1" x 1" - S tiles are 1" x 2" - SB tiles are 1" x 4" - I tiles with 90 Deg at the end are ones where the wooden floor is rotated, to enable you to use whichever one makes the floor geometry prettiest. - I have included Fireplace and Door pieces edited to have cut stone pillars from other S type sets I've made. - There are two pieces I've labelled as Endwall - they're actually something I made during development, which I thought didn't work, until I realised it might be an excellent piece either as the end for a partition wall, or for a transitio from Tudor to Cut Stone sections of a building.



