Lion Spool Holder

Lion Spool Holder


The Lion spool holder is a rewinding spool holder meant to compliment the Prusa MMU2. I find the shipped "buffer" very difficult to load, and the rewinding spool holders that I know about are not very reliable or sturdy. The Lion spool holder aims to be a simple fail-safe rewinding spool holder. Fail-safe here means that when it fails, it will hopefully do so in the least terrible way. For example, one project used a clutch, and when it failed, the whole spool holder would bind and get dragged into the printer. Conversely, a similar failure is not possible in the Lion spool holder because the rack and pinion are loosely coupled and cannot bind. This project is 100% open and I am publishing the step files. I am happy to also make adjustments that people may want, and happily accept feedback or forks to the project. My aim is to remove or severely reduce the failure of the MMU that comes from the spool holding aspect of the print (for me the existing spool holders contributed about half of all failures).



