Fontain Illumination

Fontain Illumination


<h2><b>Remote controlled </h2></b><h1>Multicolor Fontaine Illumination</h1><p><h2><b> with Neopixels</h2></b><p> <p> Video:<a href=""> Remote Controlled Fontain Illumination with Neopixels</a><p> This is a remote controlled illumination for a waterspout fontain in my garden pond. The fontain has a waterpipe of 20 mm diameter. I designed a water safe cover for a ring of 40 neopixels (126 mm diameter) which is located just unter the outlet of the fontain and is fixed with a cable tie. To get it watersafe, I filled the cavities with two component epoxy glue (Uhu plus schnellfest). Works perfect! The ring is connected by wire to a small arduino based controller board outside the pond. This board is placed in a watersafe case either. This has a small window for the IR-receiver. Because I had problems regarding the timings between neopixel library and infrared library in the arduino I decided to build up a dual arduino configuration. One arduino controls the neopixels, the other the infrared signals coming from a remote control. Both are connected by 1-Wire interface (sda/sdc). <h1>What you need:</h1><p> <ul> <li> Neopixelring with 40 LEDs (diameter 126 mm)</li> <li> Ring of acrylic glass 3 mm thickness (see drawing)</li> <li> about 15 g. 2K-Expoxy glue (e.g. Uhu plus schnellfest)</li> <li> plastic glue (e.g. Uhu hart Kunststoff)</li> <li> cable tie to fix the ring holder on the water pipe</li> <li> 2 cable glands PG7</li> <li> 3 - 5 m black water safe low voltage cable (3 pol.)</li> <li> water safe wall mount power supply 5 V</li> <li> 4 countersunk head screws M3x8</li> <li> Controller board as in the files (feel free to build one)</li> <li> Infrared remote control (I used a faytech from an older monitor)</li> </ul><p> <b>Instruction:</b><p> <p> Print the part neopixelholder.stl with support and 90 % infill. Glue the neopixel ring with some small portions of plastic glue onto the acrylic ring just to fix it. Now glue the neopixelhalter as well onto the acrylic ring so that the neopixelring is completely covered and centered. The already soldered cable goes through one of the holes. If this has got stuck you fill the cavities of the now covered neopixelring through the holes with 2K-epoxy glue. This works easy if you use the two component glue in a cartrige with static mixer. Take care that all the cavities are filled and everything is sealed right. Connect the other end of the cable to the controller electronic. <p> You can change the color programs (pulsing, static color, rotating pixels, rainbow, etc.) with the remote control. It also allows to switch to standby-mode (leds off), changing the color in the programs and adjusting the brightness. Take a look at the source code for more information. To program the arduinos you need a serial breakout board which is connected to the 6 pin programming interface. Each arduino on the board has one and must be programmed with the corresponding sketch. <p> Sketch I2CNeopixelSlave.ino is to trigger the Neoppixels.<p> Sketch IRReceiver1.ino the IR Reiver an the other Arduino.<p> <p> HaveFun!



