MPMD Cura Machine setup files
I have put together the 3 files required to insert the MPMD printer into the Cura Machine list. These files will allow you to see the MPMD printer under Monoprice when you want to set up a new printer. The main json file contains the basic information required for the printer as well as the **Start and End GCode** that I use for my printer. This file can be edited, prior to use, to meet your own requirements if they are not the same as what I have. I have also included several different mesh files that will display the MPMD bed in CURA, rather than just a circle. You can choose whichever one you prefer. Brian Kurtz's mesh is also available on the MPMD FB group if you would prefer to use it. All you need to do to use these files is to place them in the proper user directories. __Windows__ *__C:\Users\~username~\AppData\Roaming\cura\~version~\__* For Linux and MacOS I am not sure, as I only use Cura on Win, but this link may help you The folders to place the files in are: **definitions** for the *__mdmp.def.json__* file **extruders** for the *__mpmd_extruder_0.def.json__* file **meshes** for the mesh file you choose to use **(MPMD_platform.stl)** You can copy all mesh files into the meshes folder but only the one named **MPMD_platform.stl** will be used, so change the name of the one you want to use. __Notes and Warnings:__ Use at your own risk. This is not meant to scare you off but you do need to be aware of the risks. Cura creates a lot of cfg files that you should not alter. It also relies on base files such as the json files and mesh files to create and maintain the printer profiles. You can cause Cura to throw an error on startup if you make changes to files that are being used by other profiles. Do not use these if you have created a lot of profiles and you are not comfortable making changes at the file level. These files do not change Cura but if you have printers defined that use the same ID/Name there may be conflicts as Cura uses the machine ID to identify profile changes that it stores. The id for this printer setup is mpmd (which you can change by editing the file) and the name is M P M D. The name is a little strange but it does a couple of things. First it has probably not been used before so shouldn't conflict with another name and second, when Cura applies a prefix to your sliced file name it will display as MPMD_~filename~, which I prefer. If you prefer you can also edit the name. If you are not worried about resetting your Cura profiles or have not yet created printers or printer profiles you should not have any problems. If you do have issues, I have found that Cura may not start if there is a conflict but usually starts after retrying it a few times. Once you have Cura running you can delete any problematic printers. Premade slicer profiles or material profiles should not be an issue. These are completely different to the Machine settings. In a 'worst case scenario' you may have to rename your Cura User folder (C:\Users\~username~\AppData\Roaming\cura\~version~) and let Cura create a new empty one for you. In this case your data is all still available but you would have to manually move the required files back into place. If Cura will not start (for any reason) I do not recommend resetting your user settings until you try to restart several times. When you have Cura reset your user settings, all your profiles and machine settings get backed up and then removed. You start with a clean slate. In order to get stuff back you either have to rebuild from scratch or go into the zipped folder and find the files you want. Depending on the number of profiles you have created, this can be a tedious job. If you can get Cura running without resetting, you can then delete any machine that is causing a problem. This will only remove the particular machine and not the other profile information. A conflict with a machine and its updated cfg files is usually what causes the problem. By deleteing the machine you remove the conflict and, although Cura does not remove the old cfg files, the conflict is gone and you can recreate the printer. Your profiles and materials are still available to reuse. Again, this is not a difficult way of getting the MPMD into the Cura machine list but it is not for those that are not willing to work on a problem **if it does arise.** If you have problems or notice any errors let me know. **Note 2:** I use Marlin4MPMD so my start GCode uses G29 P0 and stores the Z offset using M851 I believe the stock firmware uses G29 P4 Z0.28 to do the initial probe and set the Z offset. Because of this I have included both options in the Start GCode but have commented both out, requiring you to uncomment the version you want when you create a new printer in Cura. If you don't want to do this you need to edit the Json file so your option is already set in the file.