Star Crawler Terrain: Air Lock Doors (Zombicide Invader, Kill Team, Necromunda, Nemesis, Star wars Legion Space Hulk)

Star Crawler Terrain: Air Lock Doors (Zombicide Invader, Kill Team, Necromunda, Nemesis, Star wars Legion Space Hulk)


Come check out Star Crawler Terrain for a link to get DELUXE doors for FREE! Check out a review done by GamingGeek on Youtube of our Tile Topper version of StarCrawler Terrain I made a set of 3d doors to use for Zombicide invader, or any board game that needs airlock doors. To use them in Zombicide invader you place a door and frame when you close a door, and when a door is destroyed you remove the door and leave the frame only. I quickly sculpted some broken doors too. they're not necessary but they look cool The base set comes with 5 doors and two coloured doors (7 in total) but i printed 10 because that's what come with the 3d Plastic doors that i didn't bother ordering because... hey, i have a 3d printer! If you end up printing a set, please post pictures, and if the pics are of you playing a game with them, then High Five, you rock!






