14 segment display

14 segment display


I need a 14 segment display for our Rubik's mixer and don't want to wait for the long delivery time, so here it is. Soldering SOP components with these many wires is not fun, so I highly recommend using a pre-made SOP break out board or the larger DIP package. Parts: 16x 3mm LEDs 74HC164 or similar LED drivers 4-pin header https://youtu.be/_por3FsHs4c For reference schematics, see below. However I experience a weird issue that I can't lit up all 16 LEDs at once(max 15 only) and turns out the ICs might be damaged(overheat during soldering?). I can lit up any individual LED of the 16 there and also 15 of them at once, just can't lit up all 16 together. Fortunately the one failed to lit up together with others is the red LED at the corner. I soldered the new set of the ICs to expansion boards and do not exhibit this problem. Most reference schematics I saw tied the reset pin to high, including the links below and not sure if that's a good practice. The other thing I observed is one set(8) is a bit dimmer than the other set. https://playground2014.wordpress.com/arduino/74hc164-cascade/ http://nerdclub-uk.blogspot.com/2015/04/using-74hc164-shift-register-as-led.html






