HEXup Modular Organizer

HEXup Modular Organizer


Lightweight modular organizer for makeup utensils, pencils, painting brushes, toothbrushes and other tools. **I'd love to see your make - please publish :)** **Consider a tip if you like my work :)** Container size: * Inner width: **28 mm** * Height: **60/70/80 mm** Containers of different height can be mixed together. Single 70 mm container weights only **10 g**. It's a great way to use various filament leftovers. Print settings: * Material: **PLA / PETG** * Layer height: **~0.3 mm** * Line width: **0.44 mm** * Wall line count: **1** * Top layers: **3** * Infill: **0%** * Print speed: **max 50 mm/s** (outer wall speed 25 mm/s) * Fan speed: 50% (PLA) / 30% (PETG) * Temperature: plus 5-10 C to the usual temperature for better layers adhesion The connection between containers is very tight. At first print two test modules of ~10 mm height (0.15 clearance version) and check how those fit together. If connection is too tight then print another test modules (0.20 or 0.25 clearance version). Alternatively you can decrease flow. Check out my other designs: https://www.thingiverse.com/DaVinci2000/designs






