D1 Mini Case for 0.91 Inch 128x32 LCD

D1 Mini Case for 0.91 Inch 128x32 LCD


This case has a integrated mount for the Wemos (or whatever brand) D1 Mini, but other Arduino or D1 lite etc versions should fit too. Also there is room for a (Geekcreit®, or other look-a-like version) 0,91 inch 128x32 IIC I2C OLED lcd screen. The original version (see linked Thing) has a bigger screen, but since I have the smaller 0.91 one I made this version. Why you should love this: - Tight efficient fit - No screw or glue needed to close the case - STL, SVG and OBJ files available for 3D printing and laser cutting One of my first prints, so my print isn't that beautiful, so please do upload your makes and make me proud. Big credits to the original creators of the mount and case and hopefully this special merged edition is useful for you! Links to mentioned products: LCD: https://www.banggood.com/nl/0_91-Inch-128x32-IIC-I2C-Blue-OLED-LCD-Display-DIY-Oled-Module-SSD1306-Driver-IC-DC-3_3V-5V-p-1140506.html D1 Mini: https://www.banggood.com/nl/Geekcreit-D1-Mini-V3_0_0-WIFI-Internet-Of-Things-Development-Board-Based-ESP8266-4MB-p-1264245.html






