Banjo Fret Cutting Miter Jig

Banjo Fret Cutting Miter Jig


Edit- preface: If anyone has any suggestions, as in you need a wider version, please comment and I will gladly edit and upload. This is a miter box, jig, tool, thing, that I made to cut the fret slots on the banjo I'm making. Usage is fairly self explanatory but if you have questions then ask questions. Materials needed: 1 Miter Base 1 Miter Clamp 2 10-32 machine screws, 1.5" or 2" or whatever (I used brass but not necessary, I was being fancy) 2 10-32 nuts 2 10-32 knurled or wing nuts Adhesive backed foam rubber or similar Assembly: The machine screws come through the bottom of the base and are held to the base with the hex nuts. The foam rubber or other grippy material goes in the recess of the base where the fret board would sit. The clamp goes over the screws and the wing or knurled nuts hold the clamp in place. The foam goes in the base so the fret board will be pushed upward against the clamp so you can use the depth stop on your fret saw accurately. Might be a good idea to run your fret saw through this once before you use it to make sure your kerf is cleared out. I have a StewMac saw so this is designed around a .023" kerf. Some home-made saws may struggle with where the screws are on this jig. I'll upload better pictures soon, thanks for stopping by. Edit 9/5/19: I've added a "V2" file set. The v2 has a little higher guide on the side away from the clamp, and has recesses for some small button magnets. I used the .3 inch magnets that Home Depot carries, anything of similar size should work. a drop of super glue will be needed. The magnets help keep your saw blade against the vertical guide. The clamp also has a recess that allows your saw stop to go further down if you use a saw with a saw stop. Happy Making!






