Gamecube, GameBboy Player Controller Remastered
Welcome to the GB Player controller project where I faithfully recreate one of the most popular controllers for the GameCube! here is my discord server link for this project a little bit about the origins for this project: At first I felt certain the only one who actually wanted this was me, and only said other people would want it as a way to motivate myself to continue. But now after having some people join on the server and people on reddit giving me some courage and support. I feel dedicated to making this project as successful as I can. my goal is to get as close to OEM parts as possible that way people can repair and fix their controllers for as long as they want to use it. My goal is a by Gamer's for Gamer's and hope to have a huge community of people helping us with this project, and any others I or the community comes up with in the future! I hope to see you around! :D my username on discord is ZeFoxii