TopsCNC - The new 3D printed CNC Router Version

TopsCNC - The new 3D printed CNC Router Version


--------------------- <b>RELEASE NOTES</b> I will add here all changes notes for each version. I will add new parts identified with the version number for parts which come to replace an old one. So you will be able to use old version or new version, as you want. v1.1 : - Add M5 nut-shaped holes in the 3 parts where it's complicated to screw after the whole machine is build. Concerned parts are : both top exterior Y axis, and rear top Z axis motor support v1.2 : - Add Vaccum / dust collector - Add Openable DragChain - Add Holders for DragChain rail v1.3 : - Add 52mm Spindle Holder (like 500W ER11 standard spindle) - Modify dust collector holder to make dust collector adjustable and removable v1.4 : - Add End LeadScrew Support - 20mm shim - Modify Y axis front and rear dragchain support, to fit more correctly with "support motor foot" --------------------- <b>DESCRIPTION</b> I initially design this machine : But I encounter some difficulties to cut some material, and even if I could cut them, it was too slow... Sooooo here we are, I decided to design another one ! This machine is waaaay more efficient, can cut so quick and so deep at time ! And in my opinion, she is prettier ;p SO, this machine is still in developpement but I'm currently working on some videos on, to build and upgrade it. For now we can mount Makita / Dewalt router on. I will design a mount for common 500W ER11 Spindle. She use Nema 17 motors and T8 lead screw, but i will maybe design some pieces to use Nema23 with T10 ball screw. --------------------- <b>PART LIST</b> To build this little princess, you will need to print every part once EXCEPT : - 28x | Wheel spacers - 04x | Bottom Y Axis - 02x | Rear Foot Apart from the 3D parts, you will need : - 04x | Nema17 Motors : - 03x | Rigid attach M5 / M8 - 04x | 20x40mm Aluminium V-Slot or B Type 6mm Profil (as long you want) - 03x | T8 lead screw, with the nut (better is 100mm shorter than Aluminium profil) - 14x | Nilon wheel with 5mm bearing (like on Creality3D printer) - 02x | 180mm Ø8mm chrome steel rod - 01x | 200mm T8 lead screw, with the nut - 04x | LM8UU linear bearing - 03x | Standard 8mm bearing (like 608ZZ bearing) - 01x | 20 teeth GT2 pulley, with 5mm internal diameter - 01x | 20 teeth GT2 pulley, with 8mm internal diameter - 01x | 200mm ~ 220mm CLOSED GT2 belt - 01x | 12V PSU : - 01x | Arduino (+ GRBL software) with CNC shield V3 Protoneer : - 01x | My Makita (any other router with same diameter is good) And finally, the screws (for each screw line think to nut and some washer) : - 12x | M6 x 30mm screw - 04x | M6 x 35mm screw, 35mm are VERY important to screw spindle support to Zaxis cart - 26x | M5 x 50mm screw - 22x | M4 x 15mm screw - 08x | M4 x 10mm screw - 16x | M3 x 15mm screw - 20x | 4mm Wood screw (or what ever you want to screw the machine to the table) - 30x | M4 V-Slot nut



