Breadboard Wire Bending Jig & Measuring Tool
<p>I wanted a way to quickly cut multiples of the same length of wire for creating short breadboard jumpers.</p> <p>I make my jumpers by first taking a length of 1/0.6 solid wire and stripping an inch or so off the end. Holding the stripped end in pliers, I use my thumb nail to remove the insulation in one piece from the full length. Using a power drill I tension the now uninsulated wire.</p> <p>This saves the relatively finicky task of trying to strip the ends of very small pieces of wire. The desired length of insulation & wire can then be set by moving the slide away from the end stop, and tightening the m3 machine screw.</p> <p>Feed the wire or insulation through the slide until it reaches the end stop. Cut with a pair of micro cutters (I get mine from ebay), rinse and repeat. I make my wire 10mm longer than the insulation to give me a 5mm leg either side.</p> <p>Slide the correctly sized piece of insulation back over the wire and centre it. Use the bending jig to form the legs.</p> <p>The bending jig is customisable, you can set the pitch, length of the first slot, quantity of slots (these increment by the pitch each time), overall height, and the space between each slot. The supplied STL has a pitch of 2.54mm, goes from 2 to 10, has an overall height of 6mm and a spacing of 10mm. </p> <p>The steel rule is a 6" 150mm precision rule, I got mine from <a href="">here</a>. Additionally you'll need an M3 nut and machine screw. I've used an M3x10mm but anything longer than 8mm will work.</p>