Anet AM8 y-axis rod holders with endstop

Anet AM8 y-axis rod holders with endstop


I had the holders which Pheneeny designed which worked quite well for a while. But when I did a major surgury on the printer I wanted to add bed leveling thumb screws, but his original y rod holder with endstop did not seem to clear them. Even with the wingnuts that the Anet comes with it wouldn't clear. I started looking into other options and found Churuata3d's design. But unfortunately the rod did not stay well in the holder. Then I decided to put the two designs together. Pheneeny's rodholder with included endstop and Churuata3d's enstops with the click-in design. I have included two different designs. One design there is place for a cable tie and the other doesn't. I printed it at first with a cable tie but did not use it since it grabs on soo well. The endstop is located as close to the rod as possible so that any kind of bed bearing holder can be used.



