Tiny Vector Thruster For Model Rocket - 1.75in OD

Tiny Vector Thruster For Model Rocket - 1.75in OD


Link to Reddit post because Thingiverse is dumb and won't process images: [Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/rocketry/comments/crw22y/tiny_vector_thruster_175in_od/) I quickly get excited about model rockets and decided to try to make my own vector thruster. This is the smallest gyro-based vector thruster I've seen and will continue to try to make smaller versions. BEWARE: this project won't be assemblable with just the 3D-printed parts, and it requires a lot of assembly. What I used: - 9g 5v servos - x2 - 1/8 or .125in diameter rivets - x6 (these should do the trick: [homedepot rivets](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Everbilt-1-8-in-x-1-4-in-Stainless-Steel-Blind-Rivet-6-Pack-835448/204868114)) - from the rivets I used the rivet body as pins for all the gyros - the control arms were made up of the setting mandrel from the rivets - and finally the lower control arm connection points were made from shortening the rivet body and shaping the setting mandrel so it could pop into the control arm caps - all of the control arm caps were scaled many time to get a nice fit, but in the end still required some super glue to hold the setting mandrel in place - my servo arms were cut and I used the closest hole to the axle and used servo arm set screws as the ball joint for the control arm - finally, I used spacers to make sure the gyro ring doesn't move around, you can even stack washers if you need to for this That's it, once you have the parts you can assemble it, not an easy assembly though. In the end, it was an simple one-day design and build



