The Book Binder: Easy-Reading 1-Handed Book Opener
I have printed a bookring before, but have always been disappointed by two aspects: 1) The ring itself, being uncomfortable and inconvenient to remove, and 2) It's obstruction of the text in books itself. Just as important, some bookrings aren't suitable to larger books, leaving the top half to collapse in. Behold: The Book Binder! The point of this new take on a classic model is to provide an alternative to the ring, and allow it to adapt to all types of books without obstructing the text itself. 3 pictures included show its effectiveness with 3 differently sized books: a small 300 page paperback book, a very large 900 page paperback volume, and a very heavy 800 page chemistry textbook; all 1-handed! This print was sturdy with the following settings: 0% infill 1.32 wall thickness 0.28 layer height No support Ender 3 Pro - 1hr. print time ~10mm x 82mm x 85mm Update #1: Smoothed the wing ramps for comfier thumb-hold. Added RingLite version for those that still want the ring; designed to make it easy to lift off of the page and guide into the crease, not so much for tight snugness of finger. Made for ~20mm x 10mm thumb (measured at nail center with slight press). Update #2: Added stylized spaceship version. Modified ring version to have a more gently sloped inlet.