Rhythm Game Artisan Keycaps
This is a 2-part, cherry mx stem, shine through keycap. The arrows are based on the skin from osu!mania player Chrubble's V5.55 skin: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/2594280. The stem is taken from u/waderpertader: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/625ec7cb-bcdb-4b84-a3c6-7017b524663b/1x1-cherry-mx-stem-keycap. The interior part is printed with transparent PLA while the exterior part is printed with black PLA. The transparent allows the arrow to light up the color of the keyboard's LED's. The default spacing between the parts is 0.2mm on both sides. This creates a decent amount of friction when printed on my CR-10S. If you don't know how to modify the STL file, then you can always sand down the sides or glue the parts together if the spacing isn't right. I suggest printing with the arrow facing up on both parts. While it increases the amount of support required, it results in a better looking print. Setting the wall line count to 99 helps on the interior part to make the arrow appear more uniform and pass more light than CURA's default alternating grid.