Charging Crank For Dumbphones (Also Doesn't Work on Smartphones)

Charging Crank For Dumbphones (Also Doesn't Work on Smartphones)


Version Uno: Paperclip. Notes: don't do this. Establishes proof of concept as quality, original dad joke. But it totally ruins your headphone jack hole so don't do it.... If you care about your $30 flip phone. Version Twono: Doesn't Charge, Still Funny. Notes: Tell you're friends it charges your phone. Don't let them test it... yet. This sick knew dumbphone app lets you defend yourself when your friends make fun of you for asking a girl at the bar if she's cool with you collect calling her the next morning. "Oh yea brad, your phones dead, how are you gonna add her 'for profit feet pics' account on snapchat now?," while cranking away at your financially responsible communication device. "At least I don't have to donate body fluids just to maintain a social life." Idk where I was going with this... Anyway, I cut a headphone jack into a square that can be glued into the 7.75x7.75x6.5mm square box. It uses a 20mm M3 bolt. It needs an embedded M3 nut and should have a m3 washer between the plastic parts and another M3 washer at the head of the bolt so it spins freely. I use acetone/abs mix for glue and threadlock. At this point this is all I can offer. It's 2 am, I spent half the day creating this, and half the day showing it off at my favorite adult beverage establishments. I really need to go to bed.







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