Jing's Pyramix

Jing's Pyramix


FDM Printable Jing's Pyraminx. There are two versions of each piece, one with flat faces, and one with indented faces. Some stickers have trouble sticking to the layer lines because the surface finish is not smooth, so if you are not going to sand/smooth/do any finishing on the pieces, i'd reccomend using the indented versions as the stickers will be much less likely to shift and peel off as your play with it. (Pic is with indented face version). There are no caps for the center pieces, just put a sticker over the screw hole. The holes in the core are sized for #6 wood screws, to be tapped by the screw as you drive it in. 1" screws are too long, i used 1/4" screws and had problems with the screws no being long enough to bite with good friction into the plastic. I didnt have 3/4" screws on hand, but i reckon they would be the ideal size. DXF files are supplied if you have a vinyl cutter for the stickers. What I did was using the indented version, I put an oversized cut out on the face of a piece, and ran a small rod (used one of my GF's small gauge crochet hooks) around the inside of the indentation to crease the sticker to the walls of the indentation and then cut away the excess with an exacto knife. BOM: 4x Corners 6x Edges 4x Centers 1x Core






