Monoprice Delta Mini 3D Printed Enclosure

Monoprice Delta Mini 3D Printed Enclosure


<p>My goal is to print small ABS things without issue. Mini Delta for starters, later Delta pro.</p> <p>Feel free to print and enjoy as this project is complete and works on all 3 sides :D And hey, if you were blessed by this design wont you leave me a tip? ;) just use the paypal link, or better yet hire me for your next project :D <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></p> <p>JUST MAKE SURE TO PRINT WITH A SKIRT/BRIM. The topmost section is very thin on the bottom. Also *********PRINT THIS LIKE 1% SMALLER BECAUSE I WAS DOING THE MPMD IN CAD AND IT TURNS OUT I MADE THIS SLIGHTLY BIGGER, WILL UPDATE IN THE NEAR FUTURE***********</p> <p>INSTRUCTIONS:</p> <p>To print this on MPMD, use the files half 1 and and half 2. They have 4 pieces each, to print a single side of the enclosure.</p> <p>ULTIMATE is a 1 piece print, the entire wall.</p>



