


This carrier comes in two styles to hold either a DIP chip or a small PCB, in 3 sizes each for 24, 28, or 32 pins, and fits into the Molex 78805 socket found in some vinatge computers and industrial applications. There are a few different PCBs that fit in this carrier currently, and a blank pcb template for designing new pcbs. This part needs to be both dimensionally accurate and mechanically strong, and so it's generally not possible to print at home with SLA or FDM. The only good results I've had are with SLS, which you have to order from services like Shapeways, Sculpteo, CraftCloud, etc. MJF is fine for the DIP versions but not accurate enough for the PCB versions. The extra high resolution 60um SLS from some services is not required. The cheapest standard plain white SLS is perfect. Adding color dye finishing options is ok. Sculpteo's grey (mixed black & white powder) PA12 SLS is excellent. Print orientation matters for the PCB versions. The part must be printed in the same orientation as in the STL file, or, exactly upside down from that. SLS printing has a slight printing artifact that looks like a meniscus around all the top perimeter edges of all horizontal surfaces. It's not a perfect 90 degree corner, it's like a little lip rising up at the corner. This is harmless if it appears around the top edges of the part, or around the bottom edges. But if the part is printed standing up on end or on it's side, that artifact ends up applying to a bunch of different places where it can't be tolerated and the parts don't quite fit. The pcb doesn't fit in the carrier without deforming the carrier, and then the combined module doesn't fit in the socket. Don't break your 35-year-old no-longer-manufactured socket. Scupteo and Shapeways both print it correctly. They both allow you to explicitly specify the print orientation, but you don't even have to use the option because they both print it correctly naturally. I have encountered one service, JawsTec, that printed it wrong every time I tried, at least 3 tries total, despite trying to give explicit directions. So, if you try a new service, be aware of that possible issue. <> <>






