Faze4 robotic arm

Faze4 robotic arm


All stl files are in zip file because there are alot of them.I will be updating my github more than this so check there for updates. This is still work in progress.All info about the project is on : https://github.com/PCrnjak/Faze4-Robotic-arm I have been building robot arms for around 7 years now. Every one better then next one , and this is my latest arm. It came to be when i made a working 3d printable cycloidal gearbox and saw some potential in it. After that i designed whole arm around it .It uses 6 stepper motors , 3 nema 23 , 2 nema 17 and 1 nema 14 . Joints 1-5 use planetary gearboxes and belts while joint 6 uses planetary gearbox. Joints 1 and 6 are homed on inductive sensors .All other joints are homed on limit switches. The arm was tested with costum code on stm32, but soon will switch to teensy and better software . Total cost of the arm is around 1000 -1500 dollars . It depends on component choices you make.






