$65 BOM Qidi Tech X-one + Xone 2 bondtech BMG V6 + Volcano mount

$65 BOM Qidi Tech X-one + Xone 2 bondtech BMG V6 + Volcano mount


This is a mount to fit a Bondtech BMG dual gear extruder with an E3D V6 or E3D volcano hotend on the E3D V6 heatsink of course. For this upgrade you need the aforementioned parts in addition to a pancake stepper and a cartridge style k-type thermocouple to replace the M4 screw style k-type thermocouple. Total cost is $65 if you replace the stock stepper. Or $55 if you contact me and let me help you use the stock motor, a mirrored extruder is needed if you want to use the stock motor. Do not buy a standard Bondtech BMG and expect to use the stock motor. Included in the download are some f3d files if you care to edit this for yourself, otherwise it will be $20 if you want me to modify the design to work with say a Slice Mosquito, or a titan extruder. A commercial licence can be granted and would only be $115, and you can use it on as many printers as you like. The idea is if you are making money off my design, it is not cool taking my hard work for free and profiting off it. This means you 3D printer farm owner. As for the BOM, you need a few non-3d printed things, I get most of my stuff from Triangle-labs. They are awesome! https://trianglelab.aliexpress.com/store/1654223? As for those who scorn them from using another companies design, their product is an improvement they use all german CNC and manufacturing processes and it shows. If you are a bowden user, they have a stock bowden adapter that is better than the E3D one. Also their injection molded nylon 6 parts are much stronger than the SLS printed Bondtech ones. Seriously, I cannot let myself buy some bondtech and E3D products because they are too low quality. Here is a link to their extruder + heatsink combo, get the all metal 24V version $50: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32922611810.html? Here is a link to a new stepper motor $10: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32768043304.html? The last thing you need is a K-type thermocouple inside a 3x15mm cartridge. I chose to get a cheap chinese one, which may be a mistake though it is a very simple sensor. E3D also sells them, here are a few options: Cheap chinese $2: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32857007349.html? E3D, USA $16: https://www.matterhackers.com/store/l/e3d-type-k-thermocouple-cartridge/sk/MNXPV29Z E3D, EU: https://e3d-online.com/type-k-thermocouple-cartridge For the tube that goes into the hotend, I recommend you get Capricorn because they they charge a reasonable price and have slightly superior product: Capricorn $12: https://www.captubes.com/shop/#!/1-Meter-XS-Low-Friction-1-75mm-Bowden-Tubing/p/82190682/category=23214267 Trianglelabs $3: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32811240720.html?



