Unentangled qubit states

Unentangled qubit states


Three dimensional projection of all unentangled states of a two qubit quantum system. #Background Consider a qubit in a state a|0> + b|1>, where a^2+b^2=1. Similarly consider another qubit. The general state of a two qubit system is represented by the state Ψ=x|00>+y|01>+z|10>+w|11>. This is a 4 dimensional state. Now, a state is unentangled iff ∃ a,b,c,d s.t. Ψ=(a|0> + b|1>)⊗(c|0> + d|1>). I wrote a small script to map all the points in the 4-dimensional space where unentangled states occur. On taking a 3D projection of this space the shape turns out to be very cool and interesting, so I decided to 3D print it. #Code A MATLAB script to calculate the unentangled states is included. If people are not comfortable with MATLAB (and Octave), I could port the script to python, but generating STL files will be an issue. Let me know if anyone wants me to do it.







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