


I used Blender 3D to slice up the original files. First I cut the blade in half and added a tab that would add strength when it is glued together. You may need to sand the tab to get a perfect fit. Next I split the handle from the frame and added the grips to the handle. They were originally separated so you could print them in a different color but since I was going to paint mine I printed them at the same time. I also added a tab on the handle. Then I removed the chamber and created a shaft. Slide the chamber onto the shaft then glue the shaft to the frame. This allows the chamber to rotate. I never made bullets so I just glued some fender washers over the holes. Sorry its taken me 4 years to upload these files. My plan was to make the chamber pivot open but I never got around to it. These files should fit on a Replicator 2. Origins and orientation may be off the plate when you first open them. Two of the included photos show an early print attempt where I sliced the blade into 5 pieces. It was horribly weak. (8-27-19) EDIT: The tab for the frame to the handle is too large to fit into the handle it will require some melting or sanding. I'll upload a revision soon.






