Rostock FSR Snowflake Whambam Retainer

Rostock FSR Snowflake Whambam Retainer


This is an attempt at producing a bed clip system for the Rostock Max equipped with the Tricklaser FSR "snowflake" and a Whambam magnet/glass/steel build plate sandwich. Two adjustable static bumpers are mounted to the back flanges of the snowflake, and the front clip is ratcheted to compress the bed sandwich against the back plates. TPU inserts or silicone beads are places on the front face of each clip to allow some give, add grip and increase heat resilience. To install: 1. Print all the pieces. 2. If using TPU, use super glue to mount the face of each clip (fit posts in holes) 3. If silicone caulk is used, add a thick bead to the face and allow to cure 4. Install the two static retainers on the back two flanges of the snowflake with an m3 screw and nut. Leave some play. 5. Align the bed sandwich on the snowflake 6, Install the center piece of the front clip 7. Place the outer clip body down, from the top, over the center post, aligning it so that it just hits the bed edge (this should result in a couple "clicks" worth of movement to adjust later) 8, Move all clips against the bed and tighten all screws/nuts 9. Spread the arms of the front clip and push the body towards the bed until the face is snug against the bed. 10. the bed should not move vertically and should take effort to move horizontally. The goal is snug, not crushing force -- too much will cause warping. From here, adjustments should only be made from the front clip if needed (either the screw or the ratcheting function). To remove the bed, do not unsscrew...simply lift the outer body up. To replace, center the bed against the back retainers and perform steps 7 and 9. If the ratcheting is too difficult, you can try sanding down the teeth a bit, or, press the face of the front clip against the raised face of the sandwich (lifting if off the snowflake), and then lowering it down to click the clip into place around the screwed down post.



