Chessex Dice Box - for 16mm dice
I wanted a better storage system over the acrylic storage cubes the 16mm chessex dice came in. This one feels slim and is really nice for game nights or tcg competitions. the hinge is hidden inside the box to keep it clean Should be printed in the orientation given however it does not matter. There are 2 parts to print. Part 1: Dice tray Needs: Supports for the pin and maybe a brim to prevent curling Part 2: Dice Box Needs brim to prevent curling Assembly: For connecting the two parts its fairly simple place one side of the pin inside the hinge and then with your thumb press firmly, but not to hard, on the spine of the dice box and push the tray into place. If this gets popular enough i will redesign and release another version for the small chessex dice along with one for D&D dice sets Donations and attribute to this page are much appreciated