Settlers of Catan - Complete Collection (Simplified and Tabbed)

Settlers of Catan - Complete Collection (Simplified and Tabbed)


### Settlers of Catan - Complete Collection (Simplified and Tabbed) After what feels like about a million hours of work, I am finally ready to upload and share this :D I couldn't get any version of Catan on Thingiverse to print with my ancient computer software so I went through everything and cleaned it up / simplified for anyone with the same problem and added a few little extras. For example, I added interlocking bases (as opposed to the magnetic options), I also added a kiln and bricks to the brick tile, stones from the quarry to the ore tile, greatly simplified the trees on the wood tile, changed the sheep and added a fence along the edge of the wool tile, added a place for the cyclone in the desert tile, fattened up the cyclone itself, cleaned up the little buildings and structures on all, simplified the road pieces, made simpler new towns with toppers that can be stacked to represent cities, and finally added some card tokens of all 5 materials to use in the place of the material cards if desired. I am also including the borders mentioned above with the added interlocking tabs, along with port cards that have little versions of what can be traded at the ports. I also included a blank interlocking base for if you are adventurous and want to add the expansions (which I may or may not work on in the future), and finally, I made some Building Costs cards, a Longest Road card and Largest Army card. They can be painted later or printed in different colors. Enjoy :) ### Included files and quantities to print of each to match the base game out of the box: **Landscapes:** - Brick (print 3) - Ore (print 3) - Wheat (print 4) - Wood (print 4) - Wool (print 4) - Desert (print 1) - Borders1 (print 3) - Borders2 (print 3) - Borders3 (print 2) - Borders4 (print 2) - Blank Base (N/A) **Card tokens:** - Brick (print 2 - each STL file has 12 units) - Stone (print 2 - each STL file has 12 units) - Wheat (print 2 - each STL file has 12 units) - Wood (print 2 - each STL file has 12 units) - Wool (print 2 - each STL file has 12 units) **Misc:** - Building Costs Cards (print 1 per color) - Longest Road Card (print 1) - Largest Army Card (print 1) - Cyclone token (print 1) - Number tokens (print 1) - Port x2 (print 1 - each STL file has one of each) - Port x3 (print 1 - each STL file has 5 units) - Roads (print 1 per color - each STL file has 15) - Road nodes (print 1 per color - each STL file has 16) - Towns & Cities (print 1 per color - each STL file has 5 towns & 4 cities)







Toys & Games