HJV IKEA Lack Feet Bracket Set
Like there isn´t enough IKEA Lack things in Thingiverse, I couldn´t find suitable for my project. I´m making printercabinet with 2+2 IKEA Lack tables and upper ones are having 12mm/16mm chipboard walls. These brackets have room for those walls. On these newer versions is all three holes (2x5,2mm+1x6,2mm) side to side, so you can choose which one/s to use for attaching. Measurements: Feet sixe: X: 51mm/Y: 51mm Bottom plate thickness: 10mm IKEA Lack X3: Side holes (legs): 2x5,2mm (max. screw length 25mm) Bottom holes (table): 1x6,2mm counter sinked (max. screw length 50mm/Lack own) and 2x5,2mm counter sinked 16mm has room for 16mm thick chipboard wall. 12mm has room for 12mm thick chipboard wall.