Labyrinth Gift Box With Viewing Window
This is a remix of sneakypoo's Labyrinth Gift Box with a viewing window on the bottom so the the recipient is sufficiently incentivized to open the box. It's designed for a 12mm inscribed hexagon (12mm center-to-point) cut out of 1/8" or 3mm acrylic or polycarbonate. I added some custom gcode in the slicer to stop the printer once it had printed the pocket, dropped in the hexagon, then let it print the rest of the thing (make sure your overhang settings are dialed in!). The lid of the box is available on sneakypoo's original Labyrinth Gift Box page: I can affirm that this is effective for annoying cousins. Almost everyone at the party played with it until my cousin finally got it open and got his money by the time everyone was leaving. :)