Gcode for manual bed-leveling Kossel

Gcode for manual bed-leveling Kossel


Procedure in Gcode for manual bed-leveling your Kossel. Comes in 6 flavours: Hot and cold bed/nozzle and 3 different bed-sizes (240, 220 and 180). Update: 25-Oct-2019: Pyz and Pzx were swapped in earlier version. Doesn't influence the outcome but it is repaired. The Gcode is meant for Kossels with three leveling-point in the middle between the towers. If you have the leveling-points at the corners, see note 1 below. The codes does not print anything, only intended to adjust the bed. Start a code the same as you start a print. The codes are available for a cold bed and for a heated bed (bed 50 degrees C, 200 C for the nozzle). The codes for the heated bed preheats the bed and the nozzle before the adjusting-procedure begins. Follow the instuctions on screen. The Gcode jumps from point to point, and pauses in between for adjusting. Press the knob for the next point. The final Z-leveling goes slowly, so don't be afraid it will smash hard into your bed. Between the points the Kossel will autohome before it goes to the next point. Of course the use of these codes is entirely at your own risk. Check carefully that your bed is free. An example of a good working and stable system with three leveling-points can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3875281 Happy bed-leveling :) Note 1 - if your leveling-points are in the corners, simply adjust the gcode (notepad) by multiplying the Y-coordinates with -1. The points will be mirrored over the center and end up in the corners (see picture), Example: G1 X-86.6 **Y50** becomes: G1 X-86.6 **Y-50** See http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code for more information about Gcode.







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