Y Axis Stepper Motor / Idler Pulley Brackets for Duplicator i3 and Maker Select V2 Printers

Y Axis Stepper Motor / Idler Pulley Brackets for Duplicator i3 and Maker Select V2 Printers


Format not displaying correctly? Try switching your browser to Chrome and pressing CTRL+Shift+R (Command+Shift+R on Mac) to clear the page's cache. Background -------------------- These brackets help improve print quality on the Maker Select V2 and/or Duplicator i3 printers! <b>Problem</b> The factory parts that secure the Y-axis stepper motor and idler pulley to the gantry system are not square with each other. This causes torsion in the belts that lead to a "springing" effect. As a result, it leads to poor layer quality as well as oblong circles during prints because the belts do not have as repeatable positioning. <b>Solution</b> Instead of flimsy sheet metal parts, these brackets are significantly sturdier and created to a higher accuracy that leads to a squared Y-axis belt system. Although these brackets are not made of steel like the factory ones, they are very strong compared to their sheet metal counterparts. They also absorb more vibrations from the stepper/idler making the printer quieter. Required Hardware -------------------------------------------- - 1x Y-Stepper Bracket.stl - 1x Y-Idler Pulley Bracket.stl - 6x M3 nut or M3 nylon lock nut - 1x M5 nylon lock nut - 1x M5x25 SHCS (for idler pulley) - 6x M3x6 SHCS Print Settings ------------------------------------------ For best results, use a high infill (>=35%) and a thick shell (>=1.6mm). Assembly ------------------------------------------ Place these on the printer the same way the old parts were attached. No modifications will be required unless your printer has the Y-axis brace from user <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1728621">OmNomNomagon</a>. If that is so, make a modification to the brace on the <u>idler pulley-side</u> using a Dremel or similar tool as seen in the last image. Other Mods ---------------------- - <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3365992">Extruder Centrifugal Fan Mount</a> - <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3343082">Secure Cable Guide</a> Please feel free to comment with any additional questions you may have! Special Thanks & Tip ------------------------------ I am very passionate about the open-source community that provides a means for anyone to make, create, and remix amazing files across the web. It is truly amazing what additive manufacturing has accomplished by delivering a fast and affordable means to manufacture parts. Better yet, the bright and driven community behind the tech makes it even easier for those interested to get involved! Each of my designs are made free of capital but my own. If you found this particular project useful, please consider leaving me a tip (you don't have to, but if you insist, a <a href="https://paypal.me/andrewjoverby?locale.x=en_US" target="_blank">small donation would be greatly appreciated</a>!). This will go towards funding future projects like these, so I can continue to share my designs with the community!



