Dyson Light Bar

Dyson Light Bar


Want lights on your vacuum so you can see all the dust you're busting, but also want the best cordless stick vac on the market? I hear you. This is a prototype light bar for a Dyson V8/10/11 motorhead - it's pretty gawky and unusable at the moment, but it does do the job. I've put a short strip of 12V white LEDs on mine, powered by a small 1S lipo pack and a boost converter, both available on Ebay. Eventually, I'd like to use internal power, but that's for another day. If you want to actually build this as I've made it here, you'll need to print the bar and two copies of the mounting bracket, one mirrored in X or Y. You'll also need 4x 10mm x 3mm neodymium magnets. I superglued these into the recesses, then put kapton tape over them mostly for friction. I had to get the plastic soft with a lighter on the ends of the bar, to slip the magnets in those recesses. Full details at [https://www.alexwhittemore.com/dyson-thinks-its-a-jeep/](https://www.alexwhittemore.com/dyson-thinks-its-a-jeep/)






