Slow Cooker Handle

Slow Cooker Handle


Handle for a generic small slow cooker. the one that came with it broke into pieces. more like crumbled into pieces. slow cooker has a diameter of 21.5cm mounting holes are 4cm apart. highly recommend to use ABS since it will probably get hot. but since i don't have an enclosure, the ABS print was unusable, was too brittle. (brown version in the pictures). ended up printing one in Red PETG, until i can build an enclosure for my CR-10S Pro. 04/09/2019 well PETG melted.... ir temp says that the cooker was getting up to 150°C ... reprinted in ABS, and line the part that makes contact to the cooker with a small layer of silicon to act as a heat-break . working so far.... FreeCad File included



