BigtreeTech SKR 1.3 enclosure for Makerfarm 10" Prusa i3v

BigtreeTech SKR 1.3 enclosure for Makerfarm 10" Prusa i3v


This was designed to fit on my Makerfarm 10" Prusa i3v where the ramps board use to be. The design is in fusion 360 which I included the source to along with a couple of other versions of just a case without the extra mounting holes at the outside bottom of the case. This also has a place to mount a 2 to 1 Z-motor splitter board. I bought splitter board from a store off ebay, but should be similar to size to others. You can also remove that from the fusion 360 model if you do not need it. The skr model used for reference in the design was a mm or so off on 1st prints, so I adjusted to fit better on the board I have. I have 4 mounting holes for the wood frame, but I only used the top & inside bottom hole as that was all that was needed. I used a model of the board from an exported step file on grabcad as I recall. I initially just made a mod of the cooling tunnel referenced in remix & a simple mount for the board, but then took the other referenced remix source & made a more protective case & added the outside the box mounts to the wood frame. The 1st cooling tunnel I made it a full tunnel, but the motor plugs did not fit well with the wall of the tunnel on that side, so I made it a half tunnel & half a top to give better access to other plugs. The air coming out of the vents during printing does not seem very warm. I am using TMC2208's in standalone mode. To use the M3 screws I wanted to use on mounting the board, I added 3.7mm high spacers to make the 4-M3x12mm screws extend the correct distance. I included them & an openscad file so you can easily adjust the height of them if you are using different length screws. I used 2-M3x14mm screws to mount this case to the wooden frame & 2-M3x10mm screws to mount the top fan mount to the case.



