Easy Slide Dual Track Counter

Easy Slide Dual Track Counter


This is a 0 to 20 dual track counter with markers that slide between numbers in a track and drop in place directly above/below the numbers into notches making them very easy to slide while reasonably stable and bump-safe. * Gloomhaven HP/XP counter (designed with this purpose in mind as an addition to the "Player Dashboards" [here](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2773751) and [here](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3024359)) * Magic: The Gathering player health counter * Betrayal omen counter * Munchkin character / equipment level * General purpose score keeper If needing to track values higher than 20 you could use multiple markers on the same track or use each track as a 10s and 1s value. Numerals on track are a higher level than the rest of the track allowing filament changes in between layers. When printing the markers I recommend printing with supports and the arrows of the markers pointing upwards so there should be a very small, thin support on the underside of the tab that goes into the track, opposite from the arrow. Alternatively CatOfManyFaces has a remix [here](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3986897) that has a flat top, without the beveled finger groove of mine. 184.15mm x 20mm x 6.35mm Props to @makersmuse for the [CAD for Newbies series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCCNNvHC8PC40tcEqaJcgUMb97LNkLIn)



