Toyota Tacoma spare tire crank lock guide

Toyota Tacoma spare tire crank lock guide


I went to do some work on my Tacoma recently and I couldn't get the spare tire down. Mine has the Toyota lock (or is it a Mcgard??) and I just could not get the tip of the crank with the lock key into the drive. Turns out it looks like I am missing a part that would guide the tip into the slot. I don't remember what was there before but the opening in the frame is twice as big as the drive head and the head has some play so the crank rod would just push past it every time. I was only able to get it into the slot by crawling under and placing it by hand. So I made this adapter to replace the missing guide. It captures the drive head, locates it in the center of the opening and guides the crank tip in. Using the crank with the lock is easy peasy now, which is just what you need if you are stuck on the roadside fixing a flat. Just print it and attach to the frame opening with some JB Weld... or just install a hose clamp on the back side.







