Terminator T800 CPU / Chip Base / Container
This is a container for the Lootcrate / Wootbox T800 Brain Chip keyring (June 2015 Loot Crate "Cyber"). I have used an acrylic tube (which was incedibly hard to find btw, not one single store had acrylic tubes) with a diameter of 5 cm (outer). You may need to scale the STLs or change the ring cut-out. I have bought this tube (50x300 mm): https://www.ebay.de/itm/Transparent-Acrylglas-Rohr-Rohre-Lucite-20mm-50mm-65mm-300mm/263249093817 EDIT: the screws are real ones, M3x4mm STLs are meant to be printed, the 3mf is there if you need the chip outer boundaries box for a cutout or sth. As always, if you make one, I would really like to see it - so please take a minute to post a make. Thanks! :)