Filament pulley - CTC A8
I maked this filament pulley for my CTC A8 printer. It decreasing chafing of filament about display. It is situated above display. Pulley must spinning freely. Also you need a metric screw with nut (2,6mm - shank diameter or nail as shaft) and it all simply insert above display. Print temperature 200/65°C pulley - brim rquired, supports everywhere, resolution 0,2mm wheel - brim required, no supports, resolution 0,1mm infill 100% Used slicer - Cura DGO 14.07 printed on glass with extra hard hair spray You can choose between 2 parametric wheels - simple and complicated. source codes of wheels included. When right cooling and oiled leading rods, I observe accuracy improvement of 3D prints with this pulley.