Filament Feeding System AM8 - 4mm PTFE

Filament Feeding System AM8 - 4mm PTFE


This is a remix of the Modular Filament Feeding system. I recently upgraded my Anet A8 to the aluminum AM8 frame ( and began to converting to an E3D V6 hotend and bowden setup. I wanted to dispense my filament from a DIY drybox and wanted to run the filament up to the printer through PTFE and terminate it near the bowden extruder motor mount ( This allows me to switch filaments without opening the drybox. All of the PTFE tubes terminate at this part, then go the short distance to the extruder to allow ease of changing filaments but minimize the amount of exposed filament to the air. I have included the Fusion 360 files for both mounting locations. There is a version to mount to the side of a 2020 or 2040 aluminum extrusion or to the right-rear corner of the printer, just under the corner bracket. (The rear mount should also work for the left-front corner of the printer as well. VERSION 2: I have uploaded another STL for the right-front corner (which should work for the left-rear corner as well). Front mounting on the right side helps to keep the bracket up higher on the vertical extrusion as well as keeping it away from the X-Axis motor that is on the left side of the printer. UPDATE: Been working to easily switch out filament for the last 3 months or so, PTFE tubes fit nice and snug so they don't fall out.



