LED MATRIX CASE - Max7219 x 4 - bluePill
Case for four led matrixes and a bluepill :) enjoy Also added a generic matrix only case.. could be waterproof if rubberised?? inspired by https://www.instructables.com/id/LED-Matrix-Game-of-Life-16x16/ regarding the above code ... i used PA7 - dataIn , PA5 Clk and PA4 Load Once I aligned the matrices I copied the function that splits the screen into four parts , pasted it at the end. i renamed the function to displayLogo.. I defined a new byte at the start of the sketch called logo [16][16] and create a logo out of 16 lines of 16 ones and zeros. ( one exists at the sketch start!!) . Then i replace the ALL of calls to 't1' in the displayLogo function with 'logo' .. now in setup I can call to ' displayLogo(); ' or when a new generation occurs. and if it stalls on zero movement ...... this code takes a snapshot of t1 every 20 steps and compares it to the snapshot from 20 generations ago called last , if it's the same .. then memcmp returns a zero into n , which then triggers a new generation .. int n = 1; int checkcount = 20; checkCount++; if (checkCount >= CHECK_COUNT) { n = memcmp(t1,last,sizeof(last)); if (n == 0) { randomize(t1); clearDisplays(); checkCount = 0; updateDisplay(t1); noOfGeneration == 0; // ... } checkCount = 0; last == t1; } duuuunnaaah!!! Next job... to use the m5stick self playing pong code with the max7219 .. then asteroids... then defender of sorts .