Raspberry PI Zero W_Security Camera Case w/Swivel
Camera case fits a Rasp Zero W, Official Rasp Camera V2.1 and a 30mm 5v cooling fan Use 3m Command strip refills to secure anywhere Designed to be hung from above (ie..overhangs or soffits) I recommend using supports Hardware required: 2mm x 6-8mm(camera) 3mm x 10mm(cover) 1/4 x1 1/4 bolt(swivel to mount) 1/4 x 1 bolt(cover to swivel) 1/4 nuts washers lock washers !!!!ANYONE know how to implement a fan controlling BASH SCRIPT in MOTIONEYEOS would be greatly appreciated..IM a complete NOOB to programming. Please message me!!!! 9/3/19--Updated files with new iterations: Added holes through front to support longer bolts(camera mount), a few fillets and such added, as well as increased the inset nut sizes for a better fit, too tight before. Added chamfer in top of camera body, I believe(hopefully size is right) will fit 1.5mm o-ring to seal top 9/4- made some adjustments to cover holes.. original were almost directly over top the zero pi mounting holes.. moved them each outward more.. should make it easier to bolt down the pi zero. smoothed out the model some more as well, shortened the cover bolt catches(12mm to 6mm.. also make bolting down easier).. recommend using ball end for hex bolts. removed 2 holes through front of cam(only using 2 bolts for cam module).. adjusted 30mm fan mounting holes(it was off a little bit) 9/5- I messed up the file for the cover, I noticed it only after my print completed..its been corrected and the file has been changed.. I am printing the new cover as I type 9/6- resized camera body. more room for cooling fan