Bouncy ball feet

Bouncy ball feet


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Since Thingiverse was having performance issues and people are reporting getting 404 errors, I decided to place all my designs on my own website All files can be downloaded from there for free and all updates and new designs are placed on there too. I saw these bounce ball lying in our supermarket, I wasn't even looking for something like this and thought: "These will make some great damping feet!". I wanted to use squash or training balls, but these are super cheap and very colorful. Because of the enclosure I've made a couple of days ago it was a bit harder to reach for the SD card slot so this is a must have for me. These are made for the Ender 3 but this will fit on other 2020 profile printers like the CR-10 as well. I tried to make them elegant, yet strong and I am very happy with the result. These are made for 32mm diameter balls but feel free to contact me if you need a different size. This is done quite easily.



