pocket operator slim case button cover

pocket operator slim case button cover


Button cover for slim case designed by ceh9450 => https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3841191 It's a case for your case! Thanks to ceh9450 for your case design! Made this cover to protect PO from accidental presses when I throw it into my bag. It has a spacer preventing the cover from touching the buttons on your pocket operator. To get the print like mine I suggest using clear filament at around 0.15mm layer height. Have 4 max top/bottom layers and have triangular infill at around 15% density. This will make the print have nice looking visible geometric infill. AESTHETIC. My first print had a tight fit. I printed one at 101% size and that was a little loose, adjust for your own preferences. Also the STL file has the model sitting vertically, lay it flat in your slicer software with the large flat side down.






