Tarantula Pro Filament Run Out Switch

Tarantula Pro Filament Run Out Switch


Changes 09/09/2019 Switch turned around (180 degrees) Switch position adjusted. Taper filament hole instead of straight parallel hole Height of switch adjusted Hole for cable tie added Attachment holes for the micro switch added The Tip of the Micro Switch is bent over (About 1-1.5 mm) at approx 45 degrees The changes are mainly to make it easier to feed and retract the filament --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tevo Tarantula Pro filament run out switch mounting block. Wire the normally open contacts of the micro switch to Servos2 D4 and Gnd pins. Add the following lines into Marlin and compile then flash your board (Assuming it is the stock MKS GEN L board). File - pins_MKS_GEN_L.h "#ifndef FIL_RUNOUT_PIN" " #define FIL_RUNOUT_PIN 4" "#endif" Change the lines File - Configuration.h Uncomment (remove the //) from the lines "#define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR" "#define NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE" File- Configuration_adv.h Uncomment the line "#define ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE" (Do Not include the Quotation Marks only here to show the "#" marks) The system will now detect when the switch is open i.e. the filament has run out. When the switch is operated the system halts and the head goes into a park position, the filament retracts around 100mm and the display lets you know when to remove the existing filament and replace it. After replacing the filament the hot end heats back to the set temp and a length of filament is extruded to clear the nozzle once the extrusion has completed you press the switch and printing recommences. To implement a ‘Change Filament’ function switch. Wire an additional switches NC contacts in parallel with the filament runout switch. Operator the ‘Change Filament’ switch and the print will pause, retract the nozzle away from the print area, retract the filament and wait for the filament to be changed.



