AM8 Z-Stop and Bling
This is a small addition to the Pheneeny metal frame upgrade for the Anet A8, commonly dubbed the AM8. I have been very impressed by the improvements the metal frame concept has provided. I decided to add a couple of things, one being some bling to make it more handsome than ever. Mount it with double sided tape. There are two versions of the Z-Stop switch mount. I suspected the simple bar, printed in PLA, was flexing too much. ABS would be better. However I designed a more rigid mount with 3 lots of holes to fine tune where the switch is placed. This is essentially a very coarse adjustment, to be combined with the screw for the final fine adjustment. I have now printed the fan-badge bling. I was going to spray it black and sand back the "AM8" to make it stand out, but chose to highlight the lettering with a black Sharpie. Acknowledgement: Font used was "Magneto Bold" ( AM8 - Metal Frame for Anet A8 ( by pheneeny My recommendation is to not use the "T" type nuts that can be inserted along the 20-20 gap and turned to fasten. These quickly become infuriating, and I much preferred buying the wedge shaped nuts (T Nut Square Solid Slide in Tee Slot) that have be inserted from the end of the slot and require some planning as to the number of nuts required. Loosening bolts to allow final alignments and squaring up was greatly facilitated by using the the wedge shaped nuts, as they do not twist and release like the others do (usually in hard to get at places!). Other people's projects used - I used the Z-Stop adjuster (on the X-Axis) from on the previous A8 and designed a simple L plate (yellow, see photos) to be used with the X-Axis adjuster from Babarikado's design (black, see photos). I found using a Biro spring and an ordinary nut worked well and a nylon-nut not is not essential. I have also added a small 5 sided knob to the Z-Stop adjuster screw. The screw thread has a pitch of 0.5mm, so each facet on the knob is equal to 0.1mm. Anet A6/A8 Bed Level Thumbwheel Upgrade ( by Area51 Anet A8 Prusa i3 Simple filament guide (Horizontal) ( by papinist Customisable T-Slot or V-Slot Rail Cover ( by DDevine_au Anet A8 - Cooling Fan Cover ( by Puddlefist Improved Anet A8 Filament Guide ( by Thorinair