CEDA/Retaliator/Recon Mk.II full length Brass Breech
This is a drop in brass breech kit for -Retaliator -Recon Mk. II -CEDA which takes full size darts. You will not need to modify any parts of your blaster that you might later regret. I have experimented a lot with the O-Ring part and encourage you to use Teflon tape if you feel like it needs a tighter seal. The CEDA gate is a highly modiffied versoin of Jets design that guides the magazine and takes 141 brass. For the brass part I also encourage you to experiment and post your results (complete with the spring/plunger setup), since the ideal length of KS 140 (17/32") and KS 141 (9/16") brass parts greatly varies depending on general tightness of your system and spring strength and the variables in this are numerous.I use 5kg springs and the original plunger since I use my blasters for post-apo LARP, so my KS 140 is about 2cm in length with KS 141 about the length of the main Blaster. One last thing: I spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours and lots of filament on this, chipping away tenths of millimetres, moving polygons around, testing out prototypes, rethinking the entire concept and so forth. If you enjoy this, especially if you print it "for a friend" (that's cool if you print it for nerfers with no printer, just don't put up an etsy store with my IP, k), please consider donating.