Clown Loach Hide-Away (Medium/Large)

Clown Loach Hide-Away (Medium/Large)


After seeing one day that my trio of clown loaches (soon to double in pack size) were all sleeping in a circulation pump that was unplugged I decided that I would make a real home for them to hang out in and get a spot hidden from the arowana that, although timid and friendly, is big and scary to them. This is scale able and can be printed in 3 pieces, 2 pieces, or even as a whole. This gives the ability to make a medium hut or a large one. The project is 100mm diameter and 125mm tall fully built (large) and about 10-15mm taller with the suction cups. I will post pictures of the fish in the hide when they get used to it and decide to live in it at their time of rest. Printed all at once or in pieces this print can take up to 18 hours but seems to be worth it so far. I will update as I go. I have looked and people have used both ABS and PLA in their tanks; however, for liability issues I have to put on here that I am not responsible for any death or illness of the tank/fish. And I have tested ABS in another tank with no issues, if anything the fish/shrimp/snails seem to have interest in it.






