$350 45KM 4000w Electric Longboard
YouTube Video is Coming... I wanted to make an electric longboard but i couldn't find a sleek design that could fit a big battery to have a lot of range. so i designed my own. it consist of 4 boxes. 3 of them are used for the batteries and bms. the remaining one is for the vesc(s), receiver, anti spark switch and the remaining electronics you want to put in it. And it's upgradeable. i used the following parts: - Longboard - 50pcs Liitokala HG2 Batteries; - 60Amp 10s BMS; - XT90's used to make an Anti-Spark switch; - Vesc from Hobbyking; - Turnigy 6374 192kv 100a Sensored Brushless motor From hobbyking; - Mounting hardware from Hobbyking; - A Transmitter and receiver; - This Design; Things you could do differently: - Use 2 motors and vesc's, This could fit in the design if you make the Capacitor Circuit Board Smaller. - Use different mounting hardware, i have had some problems with the motor mount connection to the trucks. this is maybe just me doing something wrong but this would probably also be fixed by using the Turnigy trucks. - Use Bigger wheels, i Didn't want to directly spend money on Bigger wheels so i used the original 70mm wheels from my longboard. it works fine and the top speed is 40 kph (which is more than enough) but if you ride over rough terrain it is better to have bigger wheels such as 80 or 90mm wheels. - use a 12S5p Battery, I used a 10s5p battery because i think it is a little bit more reliable and the motor has more than enough power at 36v. this could fit if you would move the bms to 'Box 1'. - Use Different batteries. i Normally always order my batteries from a known store but this time i used cells from Aliexpress. They are so cheap and have such good specs i just needed to use them. they have a 20 constant discharge current, 20a x 5 parallel connetions = 100a constant current rating which is amazing! and they also have a 3000 mah rating which is fantastic. - Use a smart bms, these are the best bms's you can get but they are a 100$ which was to much for me. i used a 60a Constant Current 10 BMS which is really beefy and gets the job done. Links: BMS (get the 36v 60a Common port): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32875971231.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dpPV5ir Batteries: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1000004410052.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.97404c4d9rfB8w Motor: https://hobbyking.com/nl_nl/turnigy-sk8-6374-192kv-sensored-brushless-motor-14p.html VESC: https://hobbyking.com/nl_nl/turnigy-sk8-esc-v4-12-for-electric-skateboard-conversion-w-bec.html You can get the following parts in a kit but if you don't want the turnigy trucks and Wheels is this the way to go: Motor-mount: https://hobbyking.com/nl_nl/motor-mount-5.html Pulleys and Belt: https://hobbyking.com/nl_nl/gear-set-with-belt.html Mounting Parts: https://hobbyking.com/nl_nl/motor-mount-cover-with-bearing.html The kit: https://hobbyking.com/nl_nl/turnigy-skateboard-conversion-kit-bundled-set-with-wheel-accessories.html